
The Uncertain Future

Photo by   Brett Jordan   on   Unsplash I wouldn’t call myself superstitious or a big believer in Astrology, but I would say that I have had experiences that I can only call deja vu.  Dreams that seem to occur in real life, and moments that feel familiar- or repetitive.  For me, the COVID-19 falls into the damning place where I have to look at what I have been saying for years such as- This economy cannot grow like this forever, we are looking at a bubble, there will be a crash again soon (said to my very good friend Sara last fall when we were talking about all the crazy building and growth happening in Denver).  She and I both graduated college during the 2008 recession era and were lamenting the general state of our careers and potential futures.  Also, my line standard line for the last decade as concerns about climate change have been growing and gaining traction: We will not kill the Earth, the planet will kill us off and reset itself....

The Question of "Questionable" Subjects

Photo by   chuttersnap   on   Unsplash Every library is different- they are set up differently and usually in the ways that best reflect their communities' needs with sections for Youth, Adult, and Non-Fiction.  Inside the doors, the shelves are laid out in the manner thought best by the local powers that be for flow, ease of use, and that important library thing- organization.  But, whatever their layout, some things remain the same.  Mainly, that Libraries are there for everyone, and need to offer multiple perspectives, ideas, and subjects for books.  This inclusivity and diversity is why people off the street can wander in and find something that appeals to them- regardless of their backgrounds. This diversity of subject, however, can lead to questions.  This is where we talk about the big bad C word- CENSORSHIP.  As long as there have been things to read and write or look at, humankind has found things they disagree with, and sou...

LGBTQ+ Annotation: Mostly Dead Things

Mostly Dead Things by Kristen Arnett Published June 4th 2019 by Tin House Books ISBN: 1947793306 Hardcover, 354 pages Synopsis: Jessa’s life is, for lack of a better word, falling apart.  After her father’s suicide in the back of their taxidermy shop, Jessa is left as the most productive member of the family household- which is saying something as most days she struggles to get out of bed.  But she has no choice when she gets the news that her mother has been creating strange sexual art out of the taxidermy in the shop's display windows.  Her brother Milo is no help at all as he withdraws from them all- including his daughter.  There is also the tricky fact that Milo’s ex-wife, and the only woman Jessa has ever loved, Brynn, disappears from their lives at the same time. As Jessa tries to salvage their financial future amidst the ruins of grief, she learns more about her family, her small Florida town, and herself in this touch...