The Question of "Questionable" Subjects
Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash Every library is different- they are set up differently and usually in the ways that best reflect their communities' needs with sections for Youth, Adult, and Non-Fiction. Inside the doors, the shelves are laid out in the manner thought best by the local powers that be for flow, ease of use, and that important library thing- organization. But, whatever their layout, some things remain the same. Mainly, that Libraries are there for everyone, and need to offer multiple perspectives, ideas, and subjects for books. This inclusivity and diversity is why people off the street can wander in and find something that appeals to them- regardless of their backgrounds. This diversity of subject, however, can lead to questions. This is where we talk about the big bad C word- CENSORSHIP. As long as there have been things to read and write or look at, humankind has found things they disagree with, and sou...